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Crystal Grids
for Manifestation

Redefine your destiny with the manifesting power of Crystals.


Crystals, our ancient friends from Mother Earth, are full of wisdom, healing, and amplification. When Crystals are formed under intense transformational forces of heat and pressure, they catalyze into the solid, beautiful crystalized forms we see today and remind us that anything is possible.


Getting to know how to use Crystal Grids


At their vibrational core, they can be programmed to meet your desires. Learning how to use Crystal Grids can be overwhelming. There are some incredible books about making grids for all kinds of uses. What I have found in my energy healing is that I mainly use two different Grid formations: healing and manifesting. The healing grid is meant to keep the energy circulating around the client to enhance their healing. The manifestation grid is all about getting your desires out in the world, and that is what we are going to focus on in this class. 

Experience Crystal Grids for Manifestation with me.


Our Live 60-minute experience will be held and recorded on Zoom. You will receive a video after the class for your viewing pleasure. This means that even if you miss the experience, you will be able to watch it on your own time. We will discover the sacred geometry that is best to use when manifesting your dreams, the crystals aligned with your vision, and work together to get you ready for your first Crstysl Grid for Manifestation!

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