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 Oracle Message

Crystal Guided

Energy Healing 

Are you curious about how to use Crystals and Oracle Cards to amplify your healing?


The relationship between crystals and humans is ancient. When we unearth the mystery of the ancient mineral kingdom and remember its healing powers, we empower the revival of one of humanity's greatest allies. Crystals are the physical manifestation of transformation, and they are here to serve as amplifying and manifesting partners in our quest to heal and remember our intuitive gifts. As a certified Crystal guide, I work with crystals and healing sessions to enhance your experience and allow you to find solace in these sacred spirit friends. Click HERE to learn more about their magic. 


Oracle cards are a delicious way in which spirit works with me to deliver you heartfelt messages and validate the words I speak during our sessions. Whether we choose a deck of spirit animals, angels or goddesses, spirit always finds a way to collaborate with us. Click HERE to learn more about my Oracle Card Reading practice. 

How it works

Oracle Message Crystal Guide Energy Healing Sessions were created after the work I do with a special client in Maryland, and it is a Long-Distance option only. My client and I have met every three to four weeks for the past four years. Because of our frequency and familiarity, we began a new session style. She would text me a single intention for the healing session that evening. I would keep her intention in my heart until our session time. Like in my other long-distance sessions, we are not in contact during the healing work so that she can relax and receive.


This is where the magic happens.

I create a Crystal grid and pull energy cards, as I do in my Crystal Guided sessions. These experiences are special because I only have your simple intention to work with. I am guided to use Crystals and receive messages, but the synchronicities are only discovered when we connect the following day.


We will then reconnect via phone or Zoom to complete our work together. We will review our experiences during the energy healing session and the Crystal Grid and Oracle card messages. I love giving homework between sessions to keep your healing at the forefront of your mind.


What you will receive

~ One-hour Crystal Guided Reiki Energy Session 

~ Oracle, Angel, and energy card readings during the energy session 

~ Custom healing Crystal grids to enhance your healing experience

~ One-hour post-session talk to discuss our sessions and messages from guides and cards


Are you ready for your Oracle card Crystal magic?


Single Session $198

Three + Session Commitment $180 each


Client Testimonials

I was just now re-reading the angel cards from our last Reiki session and notes, too, that I made from our conversation the next morning. Right away, I felt more balanced, quiet, and trusting. Helped me remember who I am and what this new chapter in my life is all about.

These sessions that we have been doing (for the past four years!) continue to guide me forward. I am deeply grateful to you and to the presence, always, of the Divine. Thank you, dear Maggie." ~ Celia

I’ve had many reiki treatments over the years, but Maggie’s distance reiki with me was the most enlightening and healing one yet.


Within a few seconds of settling into a comfortable seat at home, I felt her gentle, powerful presence.  I could feel her connection's heat in my hands, feet, and belly, helping me channel and work with a focused, light steadiness.


Afterward, I felt refreshed and clear. Her energy was direct, loving, and effective, enabling to heal and observe what I needed to do to maintain my spiritual and physical grounding.~ MJ B.

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