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Gifts and Guidance

How familiar are you with mystical techniques?


Knowledge is power when you are on a healing journey. We all deserve to understand more about the mystical world and the techniques of the healers we seek. I have created pages with all of the tools and topics I use in my work to deepen your knowledge of the subjects and allow you to feel more comfortable exploring opportunities to work together. At the bottom of each page you will find links to offerings connected to each mystical topic!​

The gifts keep coming...​


There is so much information out there that it can be overwhelming and even conflicting. It can put you in a tailspin and shut you down from getting to discover this incredible Tangible Magic. Simplification and intuition are the keys here at Maggie Moore World.


There are a whole plethora of experts out there, but the only expert I am interested in working with is You. The theme behind all of my education is teaching you the basics of these mystical subjects and finding out their meaning for you. I will engage your intuitive center and awaken your inner knowing to be able to work with Crystals, Chakras, movement, and meditation in an engaging and accessible way.

Image by Airis Noyer

Explore the Mystical

Chakra Shaking

woman dancing in the sunshine


the cosmos

Events & Workshops

colorful flags over a street fair

Oracle Cards

animal oracle cards

Talisman Tales

sacred owl bracelet

Tangible Magic

maggie holding heartstone with necklace
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